Many Dogs that are put down because of illness, age, problematic behavior or lack of time.
Unfortunately, a Dog does not have the same right to life as we Humans (except in Spain) and we can decide whether the four-legged Friend is allowed to live.
Dogs are part of our Family and every Family Member should be treated equally. It's unfair to judge who is allowed to live and who is not and that's why we offer a Place to live.
All of my Dogs come from Shelters, abroad or second and third hand.
Everyone is accepted as they are. With a lot of time and commitment, we help and guide the Dog to a "normal" life.
With us, the Nordic dogs are kept in groups of two in an outdoor Shelter (construction begins spring / summer 2025). We also offering individual Kennels.
Each has a minimum Size of 20m2. In addition, the dogs have access to a large run with a 2m Fence, of course escape-proofed. Each Dog is given the opportunity to develop and is cared for and kept busy in a species-appropriate manner. Snowshoe tours or pulling a Bike are part of the daily program, so that the working dogs are also kept busy according to their Age and state of health.

Not only Nordic dogs find a home with us. Every dog is welcome here. Since we also have cold days and a long winter here in the north, all other dogs live with me and my dogs in the house.
The house is equipped so that there are enough rooms where the dogs can live separately, but not without contact with people.
The dog rooms are functionally furnished so that every dog can feel comfortable.
Swedish Lapland still has a lot of untouched nature, so the dogs are also walked daily.

You looking for a Place for your Dog? Contact me and together w'll find a Solution.